Bought new chicks need help knowing their breed


5 Years
Oct 10, 2018
Puerto rico

Bought them at a petshop and forgot to ask their breed any ideas? Maybe any ideas on age?
Definitely not Golden Comets, which are a brand of red sex links. I'm not sure what they are exactly, but guessing they're some kind of hatchery hybrid. There are a lot of different kinds of Easter eggers out there, and I think they are probably one of them, but it should be more clear when they grow a bit.
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Bought them at a petshop and forgot to ask their breed any ideas? Maybe any ideas on age?
I notice you are in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, I don't know what breeds are common there. I notice that other posters are suggesting breeds that are common in the USA, and sometimes are found in other countries as well.

Good to know there may be a boy
It is too young to be certain, but I think the two closest to the camera might both be males. Their combs look rather large and bright colored for their age.
The one at the very back is more orangey looking, so speculating will turn out reddish. The 2 at the front look to be the same breed, so will likely look the same as adults, probably some sort of buff tone. With the yellow legs, buff Plymouth rocks is a possibility, but by no means the only option. The one back left with the eye streak will be different from the others also. Has white legs, so not a buff rock. Still have lots of possibilities. All appear to have straight combs. Body shape is still appearing too. Mediterranean breeds (which would be good in your climate) are a distinct possibility. They're going to be leaner, while heavier breeds will be wider/thicker. Keep updating with weekly pics.

Definitely not Golden Comets, which are a brand of red sex links. I'm not sure what they are exactly, but guessing they're some kind of hatchery hybrid. There are a lot of different kinds of Easter eggers out there, and I think they are probably one of them, but it should be more clear when they grow a bit.
Only one way to know thank you!
I notice you are in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, I don't know what breeds are common there. I notice that other posters are suggesting breeds that are common in the USA, and sometimes are found in other countries as well.

It is too young to be certain, but I think the two closest to the camera might both be males. Their combs look rather large and bright colored for their age.
The problem here is there I many mutt layer breeds from people not keeping to a certain standard so they’ll mix RIR with let’s say a leghorn or with an actual mutt chicken so sometimes breeds don’t look like pics you’d see here or on google

That’s what I was thinking I heard they were all females and based on my personal experience sometimes the one with the biggest combs just end up being big females

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