Bought some polish frizzle hatching eggs.. Tips?


Easily distracted by Chickens
5 Years
Jun 3, 2016
Lewiston NY
Long story short I bidded on 12++ Polish smooth/frizzle hatching eggs not really thinking i'd get them, and the next day later I get an email saying I got them :th Now, I'm not the best at incubating eggs, I've got a Jersey giant that's going broody but isn't quite committed yet.. So just in case she decides she doesn't want to brood on these eggs i'd like to ask for some help. I've got a still air and a forced air incubator, I'll probably use the forced air unless it's better using the still air(Both have turners). They're are arriving (Hopefully) On the 10th. So any tips that'l help me get a good hatch rate would be awesome~!

Edit: Also, I've heard having them on their sides and turning them by hand is better for the eggs, Should I do that as well?
I would use the turner unless you are able and committed to turn them every couple of hours. If you can do that, lay them on their side. Since they are shipped, check for if aircells are detached. If they are, leave them upright.
Other than that, just follow guidelines on incubation in the learning center.
Forced air, 99.5F and they should lose 0.65% weight per day if humidity is proper for the eggs.
I would use the turner unless you are able and committed to turn them every couple of hours. If you can do that, lay them on their side. Since they are shipped, check for if aircells are detached. If they are, leave them upright.
Other than that, just follow guidelines on incubation in the learning center.
Forced air, 99.5F and they should lose 0.65% weight per day if humidity is proper for the eggs.
I've got the time to hand turn them sure sure, I don't sleep much so i'd be able to turn them late as well.. So If I get an egg with a detached egg do I keep it pointy end up?
I normally keep my humidity up at 42% Is that too little or too much?

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