Brahma a hen or a rooster


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2017
"She" is about 5-6 months old and I'm concerned that those are saddle feathers.... is it possible that is just what these giant Brahmas look like? I don't really want a rooster with my three hens and I've gotten attached to "Florence"... IMG_2106.JPG IMG_2103.JPG IMG_2104.JPG


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This is my 5 month old Brama rooster
hmmm, so hard to say, but they sure look like saddle feathers. How many hens does he have? I heard that you need at least 7-8 per rooster and I only have three. I didn't really want more than 4, but I don't want him to wear my three girls out if he turns out to be a rooster... ugh
hmmm, so hard to say, but they sure look like saddle feathers. How many hens does he have? I heard that you need at least 7-8 per rooster and I only have three. I didn't really want more than 4, but I don't want him to wear my three girls out if he turns out to be a rooster... ugh

I have 10 hens but 3 are bantams so I don't know if they count!?

I acctually have 2 Brama roosters because they were sent with the hens I ordered (one too many!) but I don't have the heart to get rid of one! They are starting to crow and get on the hens...does "Florence" do that??? Maybe there is hope he is a she!!!
Are you sure that is a Brahma? That looks like an EE to me. However, I am by no means an expert... But I have had 2 brahma's a rooster and a pullet... the rooster was a bantam... my pullet is a full size.
Also, Brahma's have feathered feet... I need to get better pictures of Mocha, because she is way older now...
technically "she" is a mutt. The guy just lets his chickens breed however, so my easter egger and my arcaucana are probably part something else, and "Florence" my Brahma looks like she has a little easter egger in there. I wanted all different eggs if I could do it. I was hoping those two would lay blue and green and Florence would lay brown (that doesn't look like it's in the cards...) My leghorn already lays white (she is a little older because she was the stray that started all of this...she is probably the only pure bred lol). I attached pics of Abigail and Margeaux. They are beautiful. I could have gotten pure bred birds, but this guy really loves his birds and takes good care of them, so I felt safe going with him. Margeaux on the left is a beautiful color and she is very sweet. Abigail is pretty flighty.
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