Brahma Hen or Rooster?


10 Years
Jul 14, 2010
Murfreesboro, TN
I purchased this Light Brahma as a pullet but saw her "mount" another hen the other day while out in the yard. I haven't heard a crow yet but I haven't received any eggs from this chicken either. I can't have any roosters where I live so any help would be great! This is the first time I've ever raised any chickens so I'm new to this...


Guess I'll post an ad and see him off. Too bad because he's really pretty. Hopefully someone can use him for breeding maybe. I don't know enough to know if he's breeding quality or not.
Aside from that awful tail, that's a very nice looking Brahma cockerel.

He's standard hatchery quality, but at least he doesn't have the awful pencilling a lot of hatchery brahmas possess.
If you can't find any takers on him, let me know. I'm not that far away from you and I would love to have him. Just send me a PM if you decide to take me up on the offer.

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