Brahma making a different kind of clucking noise should I be worried


8 Years
Oct 9, 2015
I 6 1/2 year old Brahma looks like she lost a little weight. And she’s making a different kind of clucking noise. I’m giving them colonial silver in their water and Indian frank incense.And I just bought some Kickin chicken and put it in their food. Only my younger chick in which she’s a little over a year is laying they haven’t laid in a few weeks my other three. I checked to make sure she wasn’t egg bound I’d put her in there outside sink and cleaned her bottom really well. It looks like they may have started molting. We have some sprayers underneath a tent to try to keep them cool cause we do live in Florida. But what I’m really concerned about is that strange clucking she’s doing it’s lightly it’s not loudAny help would be appreciate it


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Is there a way to get a video of her so we can hear the sounds she makes?

For video, upload to youtube and provide a link.

When is the last time you dewormed her?
Have you looked inside her beak for any lesions, canker or yellow/white pasty material?
Any bad odor on her breath?
Is her crop emptying overnight?
Is there a way to get a video of her so we can hear the sounds she makes?

For video, upload to youtube and provide a link.

When is the last time you dewormed her?
Have you looked inside her beak for any lesions, canker or yellow/white pasty material?
Any bad odor on her breath?
Is her crop emptying overnight?
I tried to take a video I will try to send. Also I opened up her mouth which I’ve never done that before I didn’t see anything but it looked like little hairs on the top of her inside beak and there’s no smell. But I did give them some dry worms and I went outside and I seen some thing and I’m not sure what it was it was hanging out of her mouth. I just picked her up and I put some vet X on her beak. I’m not sure if it is worm or not because after that she started clucking pretty bad. And she had her mouth open like she was really warmI usually put dementias earth in their food once a month to take care of the worms. And I clean their coop every day and I’ve never seen any worms. She is my largest Brahma and because of her weight I thought she was getting warm every single day and huffing and puffing. I put a sprayer underneath the tent and she will sit under it to get soaking wet that happened yesterday I couldn’t believe it the other chickens got a little wet but most of them Try to get a little wet and close but not soaking wet. I hope the video came out I guess I’m going to continue using the Vet x too and I’m gonna get some better dewormer. Thank you for your help I really do appreciate it.


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Ps I am really trying to help her without having to spend money to go to the vet because we’re seniors on a limited income and it’s hard I also have two chinchillas one to tell us 19 the other one’s 11 and two little dogs one’s a rescue that has problems I’ve been trying to help him when I got him he ended up with a broke he had a broken jaw which I did not know poor little thing. He’s only 7 lbs. 10 oz. and I try to get his teeth clean but my vet wouldn’t do it because she said she can’t she made an oath not to harm animals and with his poor little dog like that she would be scared. The picture on the right is when they found the little dog. His little eyes were scratched he was laying in feces. He was at a facility where the inmates were taking care of the dogs. And they were hosing him down and 28° weather. So the lady from the rescue said I’m taking all these dogs. Good for her


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Cute little dog! I'm glad you were able to get him.

I've found that when I need to examine my hens, they do much better if I can stand them on a table. It can be hard to try to hold them and look at everything too. I put them in a table, then pull them to my body. Drape one arm over her and use my elbow and forearm to keep her in place. This also frees up that draped arm hand to help control the head.
I'm not quite sure what you saw in her beak, could have been food since she had been eating.

I'd check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight. If possible, get another look inside her beak. They can struggle a little when you do that.

The photo below is what the inside of a beak should look like. Hope that helps.


Photo by Nambroth
Was you able to hear the video? And thank you for all your help I really do appreciate it. Out of all four chickens she seems to be warm most of the time with her mouth open. Except when she got soaking wet last night she seem to be very content. I forgot to put in there that I did check her crap and I didn’t feel anything in the morning. We have an outside sink that I actually put her in the sink and put my arms around her to try to hold her in place she’s one of my comments chickens thank God. Thank you so much for all your help
I'm sorry, there's no video showing on my end. The upload on BYC does not work. Video would need to be uploaded to another platform like YouTube and then you provide a link.

It's good that her crop is emptying.

She's a big beauty! Does she still lay eggs?
I did try YouTube but I was having a hard time with that I’ll try again. Yeah she still lays eggs but when she started this clicking noise she stopped playing so did my other chickens except for my youngest one which she’s about a year and a half the rest of the chickens are over six years old. She is my sweetest she will jump on your lap and just lay there and let you pet her. My newest chick and I just got a few months ago she’s late every day. And it’s really weird when I get real close to her she bends down and shakes like she’s scared. The couple we bought her from had her in a little cart where she couldn’t even move trying to sell her at the yard sale. And he told me in order to catch her he would stomp on the ground and he was a pretty big guy. I’ll send a picture. And thank you so much for all your help


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I think I found the problem she was leaning over to eat and I seen her back over near her butt was red so I tried my best and I looked and there’s a big lump there it seems like it’s a little soft but it’s big it’s about 3 inches. I tried to take a picture I’m gonna attach it. Lord I hope it’s not cancer


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I believe I found the problem doing some research. It could be ascite It says the chicken will pant what she’s doing and make gurgling noises what she’s doing. It says you have to drain it. Boy I don’t look forward to doing something like that. It’s saying it’s usually caused from the heart or liver and can’t be cured but can be managed. If you have any other suggestions that would be great and thank you for sticking with me and trying to help I really do appreciate it

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