
Last night I got 3 light brahma chicks. I hope to at least have one pullet out of them.
They were straight run, but only $1 each.
I have 18 brahma eggs in the bator now, supposedly light, buff, dark and black. I didnt know there was such thing as black. Ill see what I get. I have some buffs and darks in my order from McMurray next month. I love them, they are so gorgeous.
Ooh, I really like him!
Isn't that color called "duckwing" or am I imagining that...hmm, I may be confusing names, but for some reason that name is sticking in my head for that color.
I've been calling him a golden duckwing, but I didn't know if I was correct. I'm trying to figure what are the best hens to put with him. I hope to get more like him.
I raise Light of the nicest breeds of chickens you can rooster is a mellow fellow....I just hatched out a bakers doz. from 14 eggs....They are great winter layers infact better than any RIRs, Buff Orps or Blues that I have girls are going on 4 and 5 years old and still lay well....they don't mind being cooped up and are good when they free range....

Going to try hatching some buffs this year.....
I'm a few days late, but I have a friend who has a Light Brahma. He got her and his other chickens as adults.

He says she's nosey...I say she's curious.

She was the first to eat out of our hands.

She is the Alpha-Hen and rules the coop.

She HAS TO BE FIRST and the CENTER OF ATTENTION! She's cute about it though. My friend had a Cochin hatch some eggs. They were in a pen on the grass. I sat next to the pen admiring the new family and she walked right between the pen and my face! You can't resist giving her a treat.

She did hatch some eggs and was an excellent mother. He added some banty eggs to her clutch! Not the best choice, I thought, considering the size difference, but she was wonderful with them, very careful and attentive.
Would y'all pahleezeeee stop teasing me!

My babies won't be here until April 10th or so.

Still have absolutely no regrets about deciding to raise brahmas exclusively though.
QuillPen, she sounds like alot of my lights, lol! I have one girl in the ICU pens in the garage (4 cages built together, but seperated) She had gotten pecked at pretty bad on the top of her head...I put her back in with the others after several weeks of healing, but they went right back after her. She still had some skin area showing though
She's as healed up now as she will ever get, I think..and still missing a few small feathers. I'm waiting until spring to reintroduce her, when everyone is outside more during the day.

Anyway, whenever I open the cage door to feed her, she walks right on out, and starts exploring; that is until she hears me pour the feed, she is a full blown porker
She's always curious, and always eating, lol! Such sweet chickens they are

*Edited to add a pic of Rudy...I thought I posted this somewhere already, I'm losing it.

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