Brand new Chicken lover!


11 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Camino, CA
Hi, All! We are new chicken addicts here and loving it! We really appreciate this forum and all the great info!!!

Our story in brief: 6 weeks ago, my BIL showed up at our house with a baby chick for my 8 yr. old daughter. He said that it was picking on his layers so he didn't want it. (We thought maybe he was giving it away because it was a Roo or maybe his layers were picking on it instead of the other way around. Its little butt was completely naked with no down.) We were not prepared to parent a chicken and had to scramble to make due. Fortunately, we had a large dog kennel that was not being used and an empty corner in the house. My BIL told us that the chick was four weeks old and he had no idea what breed it was. The chick was just beginning to get some feathers on his/her wings so I don't think that it was as old as BIL thought it was. After looking at lots of chicken pics, we decided that it is a Barred Plymouth Rock. It only took us a couple days to realize that baby 1 was going to be lonely so we went to the local feed store and came home with 3 one week old babies. For the first two weeks, we kept the 3 new ones separate from baby 1 since they were half the size. Now they are happily living together in a newly built indoor pen while waiting for "Daddy" to recover from hand surgery and build them their outdoor coop. We hope that all four are girls because we are very attached to them and our city has a noise ordinance that will prevent us from keeping a rooster.

We gave the Barred Rock the not so original name Pet Rock. The three younger ones are an EE named Houdini, an Black Australorp named Precious, and a Golden Sex Link named Omelet.

I can't believe how much enjoyment we are getting out of raising these chicks! Pet Rock is my baby and sits on a towel on my lap and watches TV with us! She especially likes Dancing with the Stars and American Idol!!!

Here is a pic of our babies taken a couple weeks ago. Pet Rock is around 7 1/2 - 8 weeks old and the three babies are 4 1/2 weeks old.

from just south of you. I loved your Pet Rock story. One of our favorite hens is "Sweet Pea", a Barred Rock that whines instead of clucks. She's very tame and is the first to sit on our laps when we visit the girls. Glad you are having fun with your hens. They are entertaining, aren't they?
from Ohio. So glad you joined. I hate to be the one to tell you the bad news, but your barred rock is a cockeral. He is going to be a real beauty too.
Thank you for the welcomes! I have spent hours and hours on this forum already and loving every minute of it! Chickens are so addicting!
Noooooo! I've looked through over 80 pages in the What Breed or Gender is This? forum comparing pics of Barred Rocks that are about the same age as Pet. I was pretty sure that she was a she after looking at so many other posts but I better take some more pics and post them on that forum. She is darker than she looked in that photo and her comb is not as pink as it looks there. The lighting was not the best for accurate colors. This pic was taken two weeks ago when she was around 7 - 7 1/2 weeks old and her comb and waddles have not changed since then. Off to see what other pics I have....

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