Brand new chicken owner as of today!

The speckled one looks like Barred Rock(BR) but I'm not sure about the other one. Kinda looked like a Rhode Island Red (RIR) but then it didn't and I am not real good about breeds of chickens.
you have barred rock (speckled one), Buff Orhphington( buff or tan color), and Rhode Island Red (redish ones). All Great Egg Layers !!!
The red ones look like RIR(rhode island reds)/Production red's, and the black and white ones look like BR (barred rocks).

All are good egg layers. BO(buff orps) are good for setting on eggs, but if you don't have a rooster... doesn't really matter. Not all birds will sit on eggs, so it is up to them. It's a hormonal thing and not all strains have that trait in them.
2 rocks, 2 rirs/production reds, 1 buff orp.

All are good layers and very sweet. My rirs follow me around, my buff orp loves to snuggle, and my barred rock rides horses!
We moved here from Port Hueneme. I lived in ventura CO for about 39 yrs, DH lived there,(maily Santa Paula)also about 39 yrs.

He still works in S.P. and we still have family all over V.C.


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