Brand new in Ohio.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 7, 2012
Hello, I just joined BYC. I have no chickens, but will build a coop and run this summer, and get 4 to 6 buff Orpingtons next spring.
I raised chickens as a teenager. I started with 20 Red Stars, * roosters became fryers, and I had 10 hens, and 2 roosters.
Buford was my favorite Rooster, he was attacked by a stray dog, and was bitten through the head as an adolescent. But I force fed him, and watered him with an eyedropper for weeks, and kept antibiotic salve on his wounds.....He survived. No one thought I would be able to save him, but I did. He lived a good long happy life.

As for the stray dog, (who was successful in killing a few others) Well, when we heard the commotion, my Dad let go our 7 Coonhounds, and our Doberman on him. The murdering dog ran, but I don't think he had a very good day.

Then the feed store was giving away 25 free Leghorn ( chicks, when you purchased a large bag of laying mash, unable to turn down anything free...My Father dumped 100 Leghorn chicks on me to care for. ( all roosters of course, they were free)
I was 15 years old, and the work was never ending...Ha Ha....I was always changing water as my Dad's philosophy was, " If I would not be willing to drink it myself, then it needs changed." I don't care to go there again, but I have missed raising chickens for decades

I'm very impressed with this website. There appears to be some VERY knowledgeable people on here.

I look forward to learning, and sharing more. I'll start putting up pics when I begin my coop.
Nice to meet you.
Hello and :welcome

Glad to have you on board, you sound pretty experienced! That's a touching story about Buford. :)
Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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