Breaking a Broody

Crooked Beak

11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
Help I need advice on breaking my Broody girl. It's been two weeks, she sits there all night/day. I don't want any more chicks, and don't have a rooster. Any ideas on how to break her? I tried ice cubes, and I keep pulling her out of the box, any other tricks???
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What I did with mine is put her in a cage with no food or water for four hours and when I put her back in with the hens she was broke! She was pretty easy. Not all are going to be that easy though. Good luck!
Put her in a wire bottom cage that is elivated a couple of feet off the ground. Do not provide anything to sit on not even a roost pole. Do provide food and water. I usually leave them in the cage for at least 5 days.
I use this method with a very good success rate.
I will tell you there are some hens that this does not work on, the broody gene is just too strong.
I have two now that I actually have sitting on eggs. After they rear their chicks they will lay for about a week to 10 days and go back to being broody. I have NEVER been able to break these two up so I don't even try any more. They are just mixed breed hens.
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In my avatar picture I am attempting to break my broody by threatening her with a turkey baster. It didn't work.

In my experience, I would just toss her off the nest. All of my broodys eventually got the message and went back to normal chickenry.
In my avatar picture I am attempting to break my broody by threatening her with a turkey baster. It didn't work.


I know with mine, I spent an hour just throwing her off the nest...she kept going back clucking all the way LOL Then when I put her in a small cage for four hours she snapped out of it. She had already laid on eggs for 21 days though and was eating them so I took them away from her. She wanted to continue to sit anyhow. She was totally normal when I put her back in the run
I do the same thing Scooter does. Put her in a wire bottom cage, like a Cockateil or other bird cage and hang it up. Give her food and water. Sometimes it takes a day or two-sometimes longer. Just depends on the hen, but it usually works. Good luck.


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