Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law


Jun 13, 2019
NE Ohio
So. Before I begin, I must openly admit that this is all my fault. As a recent first time home owner, I was ecstatic and jumped into getting my 6 chicken flock with both feet. I did not check zoning. There are a few other people in the neighborhood that have chickens, and at one time a lady up the street even had horses, so I didnt think twice about it.

Now, after a TON of work building a nice coop and raising our birds, who are just about to lay, my neighbor called zoning and today we recieved a violation. She also reported us for an entertainment center and desk that are sitting off to the side in my driveway under a tarp from a garage sale I had LAST WEEKEND waiting for Easter Seals to come get it tomorrow.

(And let me be clear, apart from the chickens, she deserves such abuse. She's rude, her fence is dilapidated and nearly falling down, and she refuses to trim her 30 foot trees that are along her front lawn that are a terrible obstruction to view the road when we pull out, and almost entirely block the sight lines. I've almost been hit several times just trying to get out of my driveway. And once she tried to bully past me INTO MY HOUSE to "see the baby." I almost had to push her out of my doorway. This was after meeting her ONE time.)

So, we're in violation. Our ordinance allows chickens if you have an acre, and one chicken for every 5,448 sq feet. We have .33 acres and 6 chickens.

They are well cared for, the coop does not smell, they are never in anyone else's yard and only in our back yard, and our back yard is 1/2 fenced. I have 7 days from today until inspection.

Yes I know it was her because all of our other neighbors know about the chickens and have no problem with them whatsoever.

So. Point: should I fight the ordinance for a variation or change. If so, how does one go about that?

Thanks, and as I've stated, I know it's my fault.
I’m so sorry this happened. What about the other chicken owners in the neighborhood? We’re they reported? Will they fight for zoning changes? There are lots of places where you only need .25 acres to have chickens. Maybe with enough fight the zoning could be changed. People should be allowed to raise their own food!
How many could you technically have? How about having that many when the inspection occurs. And maybe then, when you're cleared, some more chickens could quietly find their way back to your coop? Got a kennel and a friend with a garage someplace else?

You could petition a change in the ordinance but I guarantee you that will take much more time than you've got.

Meanwhile, have your chicken keeping neighbors had run ins with Ms Cranky? How have they handled it? There's probably some accumulated wisdom for dealing with her that they could share with you.

I have 10 in my 1/4 acre urban backyard and I can tell you it's a very manageable flock when they have the right accommodations.
You can fight it if you want but it will do no good for your existing flock.
It will be a long drawn out fight and a fight more often then not is in vain and with 7 days until inspection no chance of being able to get anything accomplished to be granted permission to keep your flock.
My friend had his zoning changed after years of living on his property. Effectively cut his limit to 1/3 of what it used to be. On inspection day he moved the overflow 100ft to the right, onto his neighbor's property (neighbor gave permission) and then he technically wasn't exceeding the number allowed on his lot. The next day, he moved them back.

That said you can try to fight the zoning but be forewarned that most zoning changes take at least two years. They are often required to be discussed at two annual meetings; one to discuss and decide and, if passed the second to make final revisions and put into effect.
If you give me your jurisdiction I can do your research for you.
I agree with the advice to remove the chickens temporarily, if possible. Heck, even put them inside the house until after the inspection!! Tell your b***** neighbor ( I now have one of those too) that the number of birds you have is legal for your zoning. If she reports you again, rinse and repeat....

Also, you'll need to do something about those trees....... hahaha I'm not one to take neighbor drama very nicely.

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