Breed and gender help!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 21, 2013
SW Missouri
Hello :) So, I'm completely new to having chickens and the past two weeks has been an experience, all fun thus far ;-) . I've been scouring this site during the wee hours of the morning to try and figure out exactly what types of chicks I have and their gender. I know it is a bit early on gender as they are only 4-5 weeks old, but I thought that maybe you experts can give a girl your opinion?

So I made this picture up of all my chicks....I think I got them all on there, may have a repeat of the yellowish red ones but my guesses are:
  • 1-3 Barred Rock, pullets although I was worried that the one my granddaughter named Nightmare (lol) might be a lil boy, due to the spot on it's head being yellowish and irregular. They all have far more black than white on them now so I think they are all girls.
  • 4-5 Im not sure, RIR maybe? Or Red sex link?
  • 6-New Hampshire Red?
  • 7-8 Gold laced Polish one of each gender, based on their crests (again I know its early I'm just guessing)
  • 9-10- also New Hampshire Red
  • 11-15 Having tons of trouble with these light colored babies...but suspect that #12 is a boy because it has almost no red.

We got them at a farm supply store, the clerk told us they were "around 2 weeks old" and the receipt said 3 RIR, 3 NHR, 3 BR, 2 Red Sex Links and I can't remember what else, seems like it was "assorted" something or other, maybe Bantams.

nicely done picture, but it makes it so we cant enlarge the picture enough to see the birds well. a good side shot and comb shot will help of each bird but the polish are gold laced and for the moment look like a pair from what I can see
Ramirez farming is right it is not easy to really tell with these pictures but I would say it does look like you have a few barred rock and maybe some red sexlink or production reds.
Oh thanks for your replies! I think I made it smaller because I didn't want it to be huge lol!! I will see if I can't make it bigger or get some better pictures sometime today!!

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