Breed guess? RSL?


10 Years
Aug 24, 2013
Red star sex link? She has some dark specks in her wing feathers.


It looks a little darker than the ones I am used to seeing (Red Star, Golden Comet, Golden Buff), but that varies by the hatchery. Was it supposed to be a RSL, or could it be a production, RIR, NHR etc?
It's a surprise. MM hatchery rainbow layers bargain :). Here is a pic as a real young chick. She didn't seem as dark as the RIR on their website, so I was guessing Red Star... She is the one on top of the feeder.
If she is from McM you're right that she almost has to be a Red Star with the white feathers. She is just darker than the ones we usually got. Their RIR were darker as chicks, the NHR looked a lot like her but they get some black feathers rather than the white coming in, and they don't carry anything else red besides leghorns.
The white feathers almost seem like they are still baby feathers. She has some black flecks in the longer wing feathers.
She looks like a RSL to me. Were she a production red, those feathers would be black.

I've had RSL as dark as this lady. (Just the red birds in the second photo, LOL)

Thank you all. Rsl or whatever she is, she is a welcome chick in my group. Very friendly, second only to one of my white leghorns (imagine that!).
Updated pics. Sorry for the poor quality. They were excited to go outside today. Almost all the white is gone, with an exception of the longest feathers on her wings. More black speckles shoing up on wings and the inside
of her tail feathers are black trimmed in red. I forgot to mention that tue front of her legs and tops of her feet are also red.

I have 3 red Sex Links and they vary. One is pretty red but not as red as the one in the top picture. The hen in the upper left next to the white chickens looks like mine. One has quite a bit of white in the neck feathers and around the tail is pretty white another is almost pure red and the third is between the 2. The hen I mentioned before and some others with the white around the neck definitely look like Red Sex Links.

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