Breed help? Multiple chicks.

I don't see any mention of comb in their description:
"Whiting True Blues, lay a consistent blue egg. Hens are excellent layers and are not likely to set. Egg size will start out with medium size eggs and progress to large eggs given adequate nutrition.

Whitings are not Araucanas, Ameraucanas, or 'Easter Eggers' — they are their own breed. This is a relatively new breed named after the poultry geneticist, Dr. Tom Whiting, who developed the breed.

Each bird will have a varying feather pattern, coloration, and leg color which will add color and beauty to your flock. This breed is heat tolerant, has a good disposition and free ranges well. Whiting True Blues will breed true for egg color. "
Oh I take it back, down below they do say pea comb. I have 10 in a brooder right now and nary a one with a single comb, but I thought the breed was developed using Leghorns so assumed single comb was a possibility.
Oh I take it back, down below they do say pea comb. I have 10 in a brooder right now and nary a one with a single comb, but I thought the breed was developed using Leghorns so assumed single comb was a possibility.

The gene for egg color (blue or not-blue) is linked to the gene for pea or not-pea comb.

Leghorn has not-blue eggs and not-pea comb.
Araucana and Ameraucana have blue eggs and pea combs.
So if Whiting True Blues were bred to be pure for the blue egg gene, it is likely that they are pure for the pea comb gene as well.

Of course, you can have the linkages the other way too:
Brahma and Buckeye have pea combs and not-blue eggs.
Cream Legbar has blue eggs with not-pea comb.
I'm guessing Whiting True Greens got the blue egg gene from Cream Legbars, because they have single combs (not-pea).
This is all very fascinating thank you. So then would this be a speckled sussex or bielifelder? It has a single comb correct?
would this be a speckled sussex or bielifelder? It has a single comb correct?

Yes, it has a single comb.
I think it's one of those two breeds, but I don't know which--they look a lot alike as little chicks.

For a lot of the breeds, McMurray has a video showing the chicks, and pointing out specific features to identify them. It's in the section of pictures, usually the last one.

I found their Bielefelder video, but they don't have one for Speckled Sussex, so it doesn't help much with this particular chick :( But it might help you with some of your other chicks--watching the chicks move around in the video lets you see them from more different angles than a few still photos would do. And it shows several chicks of each breed, so you can see the color variation. For example, the Columbian Wyandotte video has them ranging from quite dark to quite light.

I found videos for:
Black Australorp
Columbian Wyandotte
Light Brahma
Dark Brahma
Black Cochin
Blue Cochin

But not for Partridge Cochin, Speckled Sussex, or either of the Whitings.
speckled specialty is confirmed a whiting true blue. She got sick and is now a little better. Seems like others had similar issues with their Whiting true blues from the same hatchery.
They are now a week old but those white ones with the blue dot are massive.


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