Breed help?


8 Years
May 6, 2011
I admit I am stumped. We have had chickens for a little over a year now so I am still new to this. Can someone help me with this chicken's breed? At first I thought she was a New Hampshire. Now I am thinking maybe Red Star (or some similar cross-breed). We got her in March 2010 when she was one year old. All we knew of her history from the man who had her that first year is that he got all his chickens from a hatchery using a "Brown Egg Layer" order. This hen is amazing. She is small, but not bantam size. She is the absolute best layer we have. Her eggs are absolutely enormous and sometimes won't even fit in a jumbo egg carton. She is also VERY personable, curious and gentle and wants to be near whatever human is nearby. I thought this may be a good conformation picture to ascertain her breed, but if more pics would help, I have more. This was taken in early summer 2010. Any help is appreciated!

She's a red sexlink. Hatcheries have a bunch of different brand names they use for them but they are all just red sexlinks.
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After about a year the red sex-links start laying enormous eggs, often with thinner and thinner shells. They are only kept for about a year in production situations, so they don't care about the egg quality after that.
Thank you, all! From my research, Red Star, Red Sexlink are similar, is this correct? Are they both different names for the same cross of breeds? Or is sexlink a breed of its own? Some of what I've read is confusing.
Red Sexlink, Red Star, Golden Comet... I think there may be a couple other names for them... But they're all the same breed cross.
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