Breed identification please?


Jul 19, 2016
Burgaw, NC
Since I wound up with 2 pullets and 2 roos, I decided to get a few more ladies. I picked them up from a CL ad and I was told they are a black austrolorp, a RIR, and...I can't recall what the lady said the third one was! Since I don't know THAT much about the breeds yet, I'd just like confirmation on the breeds. The two hens, black and red, are old enough to lay, though I just got them today so I don't know how well. The smallest one is a pullet with pretty blue legs. The older two look like they've been over used by cockerels. I was told they are molting. (I know little to nothing about molting.) The little one looks healthy and well feathered. I have them separated for now from each other and my others. Any info on feather loss and/or treatment for it would be much appreciated as well. :)
I just got three black Australorps and your black hen looks just like mine! The rhode island red looks too blonde, maybe they come that light but all my rirs are dark red rusty colored. My guess on the blue/ grey is easter egger or americana! Very cute!
She is a very light red, and has a lot of feather loss. She's also VERY heavy for her size. Not sure if that indicated anything.
Thank you, Shadomommy. :)
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Oh...also, the lady had MANY chickens, tons of different breeds and colors. I think she said the small hen was born there so height we'll be a mixed breed. For all I know, they are all mixed lol. Sorry...I'm sure that makes them much harder to identify. I'm sure she said the small one was some kind of game mix.

Looks like an Australorp and a production Red hen. I'm thinking mating damage, not molting. Depending on how old they are, they may molt this fall and take the winter off laying, then start back in the spring.

the pretty little silver bird does look like a mixed breed. The body shape make me wonder if there's something like Phoenix in the background a ways, with that nice long tail. She may have some game bird in her, honestly I'm not sure what else is in there. She's very pretty, though, and I'll bet she'll be a good momma if you're so inclined to use a broody hen to add to your flock next spring.

Looks like an Australorp and a production Red hen. I'm thinking mating damage, not molting. Depending on how old they are, they may molt this fall and take the winter off laying, then start back in the spring. 

the pretty little silver bird does look like a mixed breed. The body shape make me wonder if there's something like Phoenix in the background a ways, with that nice long tail. She may have some game bird in her, honestly I'm not sure what else is in there. She's very pretty, though, and I'll bet she'll be a good momma if you're so inclined to use a broody hen to add to your flock next spring. 

Thanks for your input! She did mention she had picked up some birds from an egg production place...maybe the red was from one of them.

I'm definitely going to keep the smallest one for my permanent flock. The other two are nice (they are all quite tame), but I REALLY only got them to keep my roos placated. I have some Americaunas in my incubator and once those flesge out AND start laying (assuming any are female!) I'll likely rehome the red hen and maybe the Austrolorp too. Eventually I'd like to focus on just one breed.

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