Breed question, New pics at the end

New Hampshire red?
OH! That is one GORGEOUS rooster! He's BEAUTIFUL! Our ladies would be swooning. Mr. I would not be happy.
Thanks for the replies yall. He did feather out pretty good.
My population now consists of the NHR, two Barred Rock roosters and five Cornish Xs of unknown gender.
I was hoping the pink legged BR was a hen but it crowed the other day.
The gang
I would have to agree with the last post, those are White cornish. Cross them with those roos if you have any pullets among them! If they were crosses, they would be in your frig already and half of them wouldn't be able to walk anymore;).
Your NH Red I absolutely, perfectly GORGEOUS!!!!! I am jealous. He must have been the chickn version of the Ugly Duckling.
Get some closer pics of the Cornish and maybe we can figure them out for you?
those are Barred Rocks.I dunno what the orange one is
it does look like a boy Could you get closer pics of them? i Could
help you more if that were to happen

Bump for another round.
Is there a way to edit the title of a post?
Nevermind, I found it.
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