Breed suggestions for 100% forage diet!


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys! I am restarting everything in the spring. Culling, getting rid of the coop, taking apart the run. It is all a mess. The run is muddy, and the coops are to small, I just need to restart. I have a plan I have been getting together. I have an idea on how to keep grass alive in the run, but the run will mostly only be for the ducks. I am going to do a 100% free range and forage diet! I have a BYC member who did this helping me on the idea, but I want to know if you have any breed suggestions.

I don't want heavy or light colored breeds, because heavy could be an easy catch for a predator, and light colored could be easy to stop. I have already decided on Games, and Jaerhons. Jaerhons are speedy, and the website suggests they are great foragers! They were also suggested by another BYC member. Here is the link to the website I may buy them from, any other breed suggestions? Thanks for taking the time to read this!
I agree with some kind of game breed or similar. The feral chickens here are descended from RJF and game and do quite well for themselves in the wild (a random domestic chicken is thrown in the mixes here and there as well). 😊
Hey guys! I am restarting everything in the spring. Culling, getting rid of the coop, taking apart the run. It is all a mess. The run is muddy, and the coops are to small, I just need to restart. I have a plan I have been getting together. I have an idea on how to keep grass alive in the run, but the run will mostly only be for the ducks. I am going to do a 100% free range and forage diet! I have a BYC member who did this helping me on the idea, but I want to know if you have any breed suggestions.

I don't want heavy or light colored breeds, because heavy could be an easy catch for a predator, and light colored could be easy to stop. I have already decided on Games, and Jaerhons. Jaerhons are speedy, and the website suggests they are great foragers! They were also suggested by another BYC member. Here is the link to the website I may buy them from, any other breed suggestions? Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Do they ship to the USA? (I looked on their FAQ and didn't see anything about it.)

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