Breed suggestions for 100% forage diet!

I'm not sure. They're kind of rare now a days (which is why they're on that list), but you might be able to get hatching eggs from a breeder if they're closish to you.
Okay, I also saw them at Murray Mcrray hatchery, but they are all the way in Iowa, and have a 6 chick minimum. I may be able to find them at another hatchery though, I really only want a few of each breed, shooting of uno more then 20 chickens to start with.
Do they ship to the USA? (I looked on their FAQ and didn't see anything about it.)
Ya, I was wondering that as well. they said they did Jet shipping, so fi they only ship in Canada, then it seems like they wouldn't need a jet? Maybe its different with Covid though? I am hoping I can go pick them up if the border opens. I think I will call them and ask.
Also wanted to say that I have heard people say they have less predator issues with white/light colored birds than they do with birds that are colored like normal "prey birds" of birds of prey. (Like barred birds for example.) {I'm not a fan of white myself, just thought I would throw it out there in case there is another breed that might be perfect for you, other than the color.}
Also wanted to say that I have heard people say they have less predator issues with white/light colored birds than they do with birds that are colored like normal "prey birds" of birds of prey. (Like barred birds for example.) {I'm not a fan of white myself, just thought I would throw it out there in case there is another breed that might be perfect for you, other than the color.}
Okay, maybe I will make a thread about that as well, with a poll. See what people think. Thanks for the info!
Here is my list so far-
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Ya, I was wondering that as well. they said they did Jet shipping, so fi they only ship in Canada, then it seems like they wouldn't need a jet? Maybe its different with Covid though? I am hoping I can go pick them up if the border opens. I think I will call them and ask.
Well Canada IS HUGE. LOL (And driving from WA to Manitoba would be quite the drive.)

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