Breeders with Pullets for Sale in Upstate SC/ Western NC?

Jackie B.

Paris Mtn. Eggs
9 Years
May 13, 2010
Greenville, SC

I'd like to add 3-4 pullets to my flock. One vanished yesterday so I'm going with the "replace 1 with 2 method". I'm looking for easter eggers, black/ blue orps, or really anything not flighty at this point. Are there any breeders close to me?

I have 4 young (4 month) Buff Orpingtons in my coop that I could let you have, but at this moment, I can't recall how many of them are pullets (just went brain dead!) LOL! I also have about 7-8 assorted orpingtons that are about 9 weeks old.
Oooh! Your 9 weekers may have caught my interest. Isn't Conway near the beach though? I'm in Greenville
. I'll PM in the morning.


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