breeding 55 Flowery Leghorns

a silver female and a gold female side by side
This is not an issue of ig or Ig+.

Silver 55 male- B/B, S/S, k+/k+, e+/e+, mo/mo
Silver 55 female- B/-, S/-, k+/-, e+/e+, mo/mo
Gold 55 male- B/B, s+/s+, k+/k+, e+/e+, mo/mo
Gold 55 female- B/-, s+/-, k+/-, e+/e+, mo/mo

The first 3 in each being Z chromosome and the second 2 being autosomal.
A cock with silver phenotype can be either heterozygous silver or homozygous silver. A gold cock is a gold cock because gold is recessive.
Has anyone crossed a 55 Flowery with a Crested Cream Legbar? I am curious how the offspring appear and how the eggs are.

I have recently. The chicks look like cream legbar chicks, and so far are also autosexing. I only kept what I thought were pullets, and so far they look like Cream Legbar pullets. They are only a few weeks old.
I've had the same problem finding some of these. I found the gold mille fleur leghorns and am breeding those, but still looking for the 55-flowery leghorns. Here is a 'recipe' I found for them that I saved. I don't really understand it all, so would welcome any discussion. I don't have the Legbar so I would be more interested in creating them from Leghorns.

The 55-Flowery Leghorn has the following sex-linked genes
1. Sex-linked Barring (B);
2. Sex-linked Silver (S);
3. Sex-linked Fast-feathering (k+).
Males have 2 of each of these genes because they have 2 Z chromosomes. Females have only 1 dose of each of these genes on a single Z chromosome and 1 w chromosome. The dosage difference of B/B, S/S of the males makes the day-old male chick much lighter than the female which has only one dose of B/-w, S/-w on the wild type (e+/e+) and mottled (mo/mo) baby chick color.

It also has the following autosomal genes:
1. e+/e+ (wild type)[chipmunk stripe] Brown Leghorn Coloring;
2. mo/mo recessive mottling.
After asking around it seems that a Legbar cockeral over an Ancona hen would be the best way yo start. Then it would be a matter of crossing the off spring for a couple of generations to fix the recessive mottled gene and the chipmunk markings on the chicks.
Did you create the 55 flowery hens? If yes please let me know because I would like to buy a dozen eggs. Otherwise I'm thinking about buying a few from green fire farms but they are kind of pricey. Please let me know Sammy

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