Breeding Chickens


Apr 27, 2015
I have 8 chickens of various breeds. Two of them are salmon faverolles. I have no roosters currently but have a salmon faverolle roo coming in June that will be introduced into the flock when he's bigger. If one of my girls ends up being broody, I might have her hatch some eggs. I only have one pen and no incubator. If I were to just leave the fertilized salmon faverolle eggs in the nest instead of collecting them with the rest of the eggs, would some of them hatch? I Wouldn't be to disappointed if none hatched but I thought that if it might be possible to do it this way I'd give it a try.
any fertilized egg has a possibility of hatching salmon faverolles are fairly broody so a few should hatch no promises that any will hatch considering the fact that hatcherys think its good if you have a 85% hatch rate
Most any broody hen whether Salmon Faverolle or Buff Orpington should give you a decent hatch rate; probably better than you would get from an incubator. :eek:)

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