Yea, mom is the cheesemaker of the house I am the person that paints the eggs to sell..if i could ever find them!
Your family surely does seem to have lots of animal accidents, now that you made this post.
had a goat try to self skin herself, had to put a goat under surgery to have a harmless lump remove (show goat, didn't want trouble with rivals) had repeat trips to the vet school for mastitis, one breach this year... uhm I think this is this year for the goats...

horses not so bad, its more often them harming me.
Both your pullets and cockerels will be more peaceful and grow faster if you will separate them by gender, ASAP.

Oh yeah, I know - thanks! I'm working on getting the coop done as soon as I can, then I will move the pullets in and leave the boys in the tractor. Now that I'm on vacation, and the culling is over, I can get it done (I'm almost there!!!!). Next time I raise chicks, I'll have housing arrangements for separating pullets from cockerels much earlier - time caught up with me this time...

- Ant Farm
I'm just sitting here feel jealous of y'all....cows, raw milk, cheese, goats......I hope someday to be so lucky.

We came home form Tucson late this afternoon to find the door to the my first layer flock's pen standing wide open and my girls nowhere in sight. My husband freaked out as I bailed out of the vehicle while it was still moving. Luckily, none of my birds had left or been injured or killed, but had simply moved further into the backyard with the other flocks. My hubby came out to "help" locate any missing birds, and once I assured him all was fine he actually spent some rare time handling the chickens. The truly charming moment came while he was in the "nursery" as several of the chicks quickly came to him, perched on his lap and snuggled in. Seeing his face light up with a broad smile as they charmed him after seeing him dealing with so much stress these past weeks....yeah, that was special and really warmed my heart.
I'm just sitting here feel jealous of y'all....cows, raw milk, cheese, goats......I hope someday to be so lucky.

We came home form Tucson late this afternoon to find the door to the my first layer flock's pen standing wide open and my girls nowhere in sight. My husband freaked out as I bailed out of the vehicle while it was still moving. Luckily, none of my birds had left or been injured or killed, but had simply moved further into the backyard with the other flocks. My hubby came out to "help" locate any missing birds, and once I assured him all was fine he actually spent some rare time handling the chickens. The truly charming moment came while he was in the "nursery" as several of the chicks quickly came to him, perched on his lap and snuggled in. Seeing his face light up with a broad smile as they charmed him after seeing him dealing with so much stress these past weeks....yeah, that was special and really warmed my heart.

Oh whew, as I was reading this I was afraid this story would turn out badly - so glad it was ok.

And yes, that's adorable.

- Ant Farm

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