Breeding Orps


May 23, 2020
So I have several American lavender orpingtons and a Black English roo.

I want to breed a lav hen to the roo. Out of that hatch, if I breed F1 hen back to roo, will F2 turn out closer to English Orp characteristics? Is it possible to breed all the American characteristics out of the generations and if so any idea on how many generations it would take?
It is quite possible.
Will the F2 be closer to the English type? Odds are they will.
How long will it take? That's up to you.
The more you breed back to the rooster the closer you should get. Problem is is that not all will be the same. Some will lean towards the English type some towards the American type and most somewhere in between.
How fast you can get there is all on you. The more selective you are the faster it will go. The more chicks you hatch to select from the faster it will go.
It is quite possible.
Will the F2 be closer to the English type? Odds are they will.
How long will it take? That's up to you.
The more you breed back to the rooster the closer you should get. Problem is is that not all will be the same. Some will lean towards the English type some towards the American type and most somewhere in between.
How fast you can get there is all on you. The more selective you are the faster it will go. The more chicks you hatch to select from the faster it will go.

You are quickly becoming my favorite person! Thank you again for answering my question as I learn to navigate the genetics game!

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