Breeding Pen set-up


11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
Hey Folks,

I am getting some roo chicks next week in an effort to make my farm self-sustaining. However, I have a free-range flock and I don't want all 6 boys to range with them for a couple of reasons--I have a 2 year old and no pasture fence, and I want to know who the daddy is (that sounds like Montel, LOL).

I have some 55 gallon drums I was thinking of using for bachelor pads with a bit of fence so that the boys can get outside. I have a nice chicken tractor for a broody house. But I can't wrap my mind around exactly how to do this. I know that many people here breed chickens, so I'd appreciate it if you could describe your breeding set up. How do you do keep good genetic records with a free-range flock?


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