Breeding Preferences

How many of you breed by standards or just breed what you like? If either your thoughts or suggestions.
I have my own standard for my birds primarily, especially when doing a breeding projects.
My Chameleons, are primarily are planned to be just a Hardy Landrace Breed, with Easter Egger, Australorp, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, & Gamefowl mixed in. But Gamefowl isn't in their make up quite yet(Blue Face Hatch, & Malay). I'm wanting their body type, smooth, & oval, with long necks, legs, & somewhat heavy. Egg Production isn't that important, but I want them to be broody.

The PBA in USA project I'm following the SOP for Parrot Beak Aseels from India.(Using Indian Malays as my Base)

I do plan on showing birds at some point, & have Show Stock Bantam Silkies, both of what I got from a breeder, & I hatched. But I don't have my Book of SOP with me currently.

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