Breeding Standards with Bantams


9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
San Diego, CA
I searched and searched and couldn't really find the answer to my questions;

I have a standard roo and will be getting some bantams hens;

1. If you mix the two, will the baby chicks be big, small, or medium?

2. Are the eggs big small or medium?

The chicks will be small. The constraint is the size of the egg. They will grow to be medium sized chickens laying medium sized eggs. The hens may be mauled, injured, or killed depending upon the size of the rooster.
i do not think the rooster will kill them just for being smaller. ive had roosters of all sizes and i have a buff cochin bantam shes really tiny just over a pound. the mother will take care of her babies regardless of the rooster but then again he can try and kill the babies but its unlikely when they are older.
Think of the size difference. An 8+ pound rooster rooster trying to breed a 1 or 2 pound hen can cause significant physical damage including: gashes from toenails and spurs, dislocated hips, fractured pelvises, rips to back of neck from beaks, etc. Just common sense.
wel ive had this in flock just saying except the rooster was 13 pounds. usually the rooster just stands on the ground while mating instead of the shoulders. a medium sized chicken would be around 3 to 5 pounds i would say
op what type of rooster is the standard?
A friend of mine wanted to get better color into his LF new Hampshires, so he crossed a bantam New Hampshire with Perfect characteristics to a LF girl. He said he got a % lLF and a % bantam if i understood him right
I would watch closely to How big the rooster and the size of the hens. If it looks like there getting hurt then take him out.

Of course I would watch everyone to make sure they are safe and not getting beat up.

I just remember growing up that we had a flock of standards and always had some banty hens in there too, and couldn't help but think that he probably was mating them too.

My standard is a Silver Laced Wyandotte. He's about 7 months old give or take, and he is wonderful with the hens I have now. He has 12 standard to call his own, and I wanted to add a couple banties.
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