(brief) free ranging success!


Dogwood Trace Farm
8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Middle Tennessee
I let my little flock of pullets out to free-range for the first time this evening. We've had them about 3 1/2 weeks, and I'd been nervous about letting them out with so many predators in the woods around our house. So I let them out about an hour before they were due to roost. They swarmed out of the pen at first and headed for the woods! I almost panicked, but I remained in my lawn chair and watched them. After a few minutes they came back and ended up pecking around the grass within 10 - 15 feet of where I was sitting. One even ate some watermelon out of my hand.

I was worried about our cat - but after sniffing around a few minutes, he decided they were too big for him to mess with and he left to find a chipmunk, lizard, or mouse to terrorize.

Around 7:45ish they started heading back to the ladder and up to the coop. By 8:00 they were all tucked in for the night. Instinct is a wonderful thing!

We got them at 17 weeks, and they didn't grow up with us. So I was excited that they wanted to stay near me. It was funny how the seven of them stayed together most of the time. They're a pretty close knit flock!

Some happy pullets enjoying their freedom!

It's a big world outside the coop!
Awww so cute! I was really scared the first time I let mine out too. But they all did just fine except the one that still will not come out. She is a scardy chicken LOL
Yeah, I do the same thing! I let them out about an hour before they are due to roost, and then they go back instinctively to their roost. I was scared too, since we also have a lot of predators - raccoons, foxes, hawks.
Yes - it's so nice! I LOVE having chickens pecking around the yard. It looks so farm-ish! LOL! Today they stayed near me and seemed to really have a good time.

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