bright red bugs?


De Regenboog Kippetjes
13 Years
Apr 7, 2010
ok so ive dealt with lice and mites before but these guys are new to me. solid red (illuminous red almost they are so bright) tiny bugs, in the hen house. they dont look like mites that have just had a feed, these are solid red, legs and all. Found 2 dead 9 week old chicks in there this morning, covered in them, guessing they were eating alive

the hen house were only dusted last week (you can still see the xerox-p dust over all) all the normal mites are dead, but these little pesky critters have sprung up now and the anti mite dust seems inaffective?

any idea what they are and how i get rid of them? ive removed all small chickens for not letting anyone near that house!
Can you get carbaryl (Sevin here, in the garden dept.) or ivermectin (a cattle wormer?) They sound like our northern red mites which are resistant to things like pyrethrins, or so I have read.
everyone was treated with ivomec 2 weeks ago(except for the chicks under 9 weeks)......could i perhaps spray the coop with that too or would that be useless?

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