Bright Red Skin on Turkin chick


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Winston, MT
This is a 4 -5 week Chick, she (I hope) went to a friends house, seperated from the 25 chicks, and they decided to switch to another turkin. I brought her home, and didn't notice until yesterday, she was hiding (3 days later) , the others were picking on her apparently. When I got a closer look I saw she was reddened. I put her in her own area, and she is acting like a healthy chicken, without the bullies. Scratching for grain, eating, being a normal chick. But, is this something serious? She still was red this morning. Any advice how long to keep her alone? Any help appreciated.

It looks fine to me. The skin just may be irritated from the pecking a bit, but it shoudl go away and be fine.
Just keep an eye on it... one taste of blood and all your chickens will absolutely slaughter that chicken...
Just for the record, time proved that she is a he, and that bright red skin seems to be how turkins skin develops. The other one is getting brighter red skin as well, this guy was just a quick developer. So good to go somewhere and be able seek help from knowledgable folks!

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