Bring Broody and Chicks Inside?

Broody and chicks are in a cage in the coop. I’ve taken the cage out into the yard a few times and they enjoy it! (except for the cage moving part, which they don’t like).

But here’s my issue. Forgive the fact that I’m a newbie with having mama raise the chicks. I have a small waterer that sits on a brick to raise it off the bedding. Even with the brick, Cashew’s big, powerful legs scratch/kick the bedding everywhere, completely filling the waterer. I have a small hanging waterer, but the chicks are still so little... can’t really use it yet, unless it’s low enough to have the same problem with the bedding. Suggestions?
Even with the brick, Cashew’s big, powerful legs scratch/kick the bedding everywhere, completely filling the waterer. I have a small hanging waterer, but the chicks are still so little... can’t really use it yet, unless it’s low enough to have the same problem with the bedding. Suggestions?
OhGawd! I am having same issue! :barnie

I shoved all the bedding to back of area away form feed/water, then put waterer on top of 3(2 side by side and 1 across those at right angle) pavers(2x8x16)so it's up higher but they can get up the 2" 'stairs' and still have place to stand. So far so good.
I would open the cage and let them out with the flock and let her do her thing. She knows much more about taking care of her babies than we humans do. She'll keep them plenty warm. They'll go out from under her when they need to, and come back on their own when they need to warm up. That might solve your bedding in the water problem, too.
I would open the cage and let them out with the flock and let her do her thing. She knows much more about taking care of her babies than we humans do. She'll keep them plenty warm. They'll go out from under her when they need to, and come back on their own when they need to warm up. That might solve your bedding in the water problem, too.

But shouldn’t the flock not have access to them yet? They’re just a week old. Look what a good mama Cashew is! My littles don’t have access to a larger area yet. I have a grow out coop in the run I will move them to, at least for daytime, but it’s up on keystones, so right now they could get out into the main run. Feeling I should wait until they’re bigger.

I have had good luck putting them together when the babies are smaller. Mama still has those protective hormones going and the others learn not to mess with them. If you have a good rooster, he'll help protect mama and babies, too. I used to wait until the babies were 8 weeks or so, but then mama was ready to be done with them and they were pretty much on their own, trying to integrate and learn proper chicken manners.

The first year I let them integrate when the babies were little, the mama was killed by a racoon in the middle of the day. Babies were 5 weeks old and already accepted members of the flock. A couple of years ago, I had a broody who insisted on hatching in the main coop. She had her babies out with the flock within 48 hours of hatching without any problems. If you do decide to let them integrate, I would suggest watching them, of course, but don't interfere unless a hen decides to viciously go after the babies. Then I'd separate that one.
I free range all mine and the broodies that raised chicks I had in a see/no touch pen next to the coop & run. On the chicks 7th day I opened the door and mamma took them out and about and protected them fiercely from the other hens. She stayed close to her pen for a day or two ranging further out every day. They always integrate very well with the flock and I've never had a problem with other chickens attacking. Broody hen is always a dedicated warrior. The only problem I ever had was a hen that weaned at 4 weeks and the babies did have a hard time at roosting with no protecting leader, but they all made it OK in the long run. (I'll never let that hen raise another clutch either).
I have a grow out coop in the run I will move them to, at least for daytime, but it’s up on keystones, so right now they could get out into the main run. Feeling I should wait until they’re bigger.
That might pics?

I usually let broody back in with the flock about 1 week after hatch.
Chicks still use the floor nest for shelter and to sleep with mama,
and I set up a creep feeder area(with 2x4 fecning) so chicks can eat and drink in peace.
That might pics?

I usually let broody back in with the flock about 1 week after hatch.
Chicks still use the floor nest for shelter and to sleep with mama,
and I set up a creep feeder area(with 2x4 fecning) so chicks can eat and drink in peace.

That’s great to know. Thank you BYC! This thread has been super helpful. Crazy how quickly they are capable when there’s a mama hen to guide them.

Here’s my set up:

The cage was on the coop (building) floor for a couple days, and the last few days I’ve taken it outside when I get home from work and then put it back in at bedtime. It’s awkward and inconvenient. Maybe tomorrow I’ll try keeping the two sides of the run open and see how it goes with the flock while I can supervise. The grow-out coop would only work for daytime right now for two reasons:
• The ramp doesn’t have a backing... I think the chicks are still too little, plus Cashew is weak (could not jump up onto the outdoor roost). I will fix that at some point... just need to attach some plywood or fencing.
• As hard as I’ve tried, the run is not totally rat proof, and since the red coop is up on keystones, I think rats could be a potential threat. (There was a rat last weekend that my dog caught and killed for me.)

Sooo... do I keep moving the cage back and forth? Maybe tomorrow if all goes well with the flock together, let Mama Cashew decide where they are sleeping? Ugh, and I just realized one more thing. The flock is on a 50/50 mix of layer and grower. Babies are on a starter.

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