Bringing ducklings in with grown ducks


6 Years
Apr 29, 2013
I have a year old male Pekin who recently lost his sibling (we think to a coyote or fox). He has been acting sad but when wild ducks fly into our pond he chases them away. My husband wants to get a few ducklings to be companions for him. Will he be aggressive towards ducklings? I've heard that chickens can be aggressive to baby chicks, even kill them.
He will most likely be aggressive towards ducklings. Is there any possibility of buying several mature ducks? - he would most likely also be aggressive towards another drake.
Possible, do you have a way to pen them, so he can see them, talk to them but cannot harm them? i intro ducklings to the flock all the time... my current babies are now turning 7wks this wed/thursday.. they now are almost with the flock, that consists of adults, including two drakes.. mama pretty much quit when they were 3wks old.

Even for not hatched here birds i do the same, they side by side mingle/live with the flock until big enough to defend themselves. You must use caution when first introducing though, that said no matter the age of the bird i have done the same, i have bought older birds before i did the same but i personally find better transitioning with young vs older.. but that could just be my flock.
well, it's possible. I have a pekin that was in a flock, that just dwindled in numbers until he was the only one left..then i got 4 more pekins and once they were old enough i put them in the lake, and my lonely drake Sheldon was their protector and just sort of hung out with them and followed them around, kept them from isn't typical , it really depends on the ducks personality..but if they're alone i think they will try to integrate with the other ducks..i think if you get several it's more likely that they'll chase him than the other way around, but again it just depends on the drake sheldon is not a chaser, he pretty much tolerates everyone..but some of my others would never tolerate another duck in their flock.
Personality plays a BIG role, i am fortunate my drakes are not baby killers, the mama's have had them with the flock at 2-3wks old with no issues from them, with some drakes that could be a deadly situation, you have to know your birds.

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