Brinsea ecoglow?


5 Years
Nov 24, 2016
Central Texas
I ordered the ecoglow 1200 and it came in the mail yesterday. I set it up late in the evening and I wasn't sure if it needed time to warm up so I stuck it in the far corner of the brooder and kept the heat lamp on for the night. So now that it's been running I checked on it this morning the chicks were staying away from it and I held my hand under it for a while and all I could feel was the tiniest bit of warmth radiating from it. Like it was barely noticeable and the ambient temperature is about 70*. Is that how these things are supposed to work or did I get a broken one? I've used radiant heat panels for other animals before and you could definitely feel that there was warmth coming from it.
The red light indicator is on. I just went in to feel it again and this time I moved my hand to all the various areas of under it and now I am feeling heat but only on one half the area where I put my hand last time has nothing, the other half where I did not feel earlier is almost uncomfortably hot.
The EcoGlow should only take an hour to get to temp, and the heat underneath it should never be uneven. If it was purchased directly from us please give our office a call and we can get you a new brooder. (888) 667-7009
It's been warm enough the past couple of days that I just left the ecoglow in the brooder to see what would happen. It seems to be working fine now, the heat has evened out, the side that was extra hot is not so hot anymore and the heat is even throughout. Also, I readjusted the leg height and noticed that the side to the left of the plug wire was about half a turn to one turn higher than the right side, maybe that had something to do with it.

Either way it's working, my chicks are already starting to feather and have grown much quicker than my last batch which was grown under a red light.
The red light indicator is on. I just went in to feel it again and this time I moved my hand to all the various areas of under it and now I am feeling heat but only on one half the area where I put my hand last time has nothing, the other half where I did not feel earlier is almost uncomfortably hot.
I have used these and I really like them. It should feel pretty warm to the touch. If you are not feeling much heat it could be faulty. Is the little red indicator light on?
Sounds like it just needed time to warm up. You can adjust the height so it is just above the chicks when they are standing up. You can adjust it so one side is a little higher then the other side so the chicks can decide how much heat they want. Try turning off the heat lamp and stuff the chicks under the brooder plate a few times so they undertand that is where the heat is. May take a few times! I really like these brooder plates as it mimics the natural environment for the chicks and they can come and go as they please when they want to get warmed up. Good luck! :)

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