Brinsea Octagon Eco 20 vs IncuView

Which incubator would you purchase?

  • Brinsea Octagon Eco 20 with Auto-Turn

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • IncuView from Incubator Warehouse

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


7 Years
Jun 27, 2012
So after a couple hatches with a Little Giant (one great hatch with local eggs and one disastrous hatch with shipped eggs), I've decided hatching is loads of fun and I'm ready to get a more stable "set it and forget it" incubator that I don't have to fuss with as much as a styro incubator. I've done some research and I've narrowed my choices down to two, the Brinsea Octagon Eco 20 and the IncuView from Incubator Warehouse. I'd like to hear BYC's opinions and experiences with them. Here are my observations:

What I like about both: Both are circulated air and have auto turning options. Both are all-plastic construction for easy cleaning/sterilizing. Both can hold about 2 dozen eggs, this is a good size for me.

Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco with Auto-Turn Cradle ($239 + free shipping on Amazon)
24 egg capacity.

  • Brinsea is a proven brand name with loads of great reviews both on Amazon and BYC. It seems to be THE trusted brand around here.
  • The eggs sit semi-upright throughout incubation (better for shipped eggs with wobbly aircells?).
  • There's no digital temperature readout or controls (and the digital Advance version is waaay out of my budget at $399).
  • It looks a little cramped when it's full, there doesn't seem to be much room for additional thermometers or a hygrometer. Also from pictures it looks difficult to see the water level in the channels at the bottom.
  • The controls/fan on top block quite a bit of the viewing window.

IncuView from Incubator Warehouse ($174.99 + $18.53 Standard Shipping)
27 egg capacity.

  • The whole top is one huge viewing window and I'm a big fan of watching ChickTV (aka hatch day).
  • It has digital controls and temperature readout and a built-in analog hygrometer (though the lack of actual numbers on the hygro is a little disappointing).
  • It looks very spacious with lots of room for hatching and an extra thermometer/water wiggler etc.
  • The manufacturer seems very responsive to customer observations here on BYC and it has a 1-year no hassle warranty.
  • It's a relatively new product with only limited reviews to go on. I've been following the thread here on BYC and there have been mixed hatch results, but there are so many variables to hatching that it's almost impossible to figure out what's attributable to the incubator.
  • The auto turner requires eggs to be on their sides. This is a more natural movement but would require the removal of the turner and use of egg cartons for shipped eggs with wobbly aircells. Although maybe one could set the eggs with wobbly cells upright in cups on top of the turner to keep them from rolling?

The IncuView is a full $64 less than the Brinsea and if I had a coupon for free shipping it would be an easier decision. BUT as it is I have to factor in that extra for shipping and the price gap narrows to $45, making it more tempting to go with the more tried-and-true Brinsea.

Opinions? Experiences? Which would you spend your hard-earned dollars on?
I would go with Brinsea that's my own personal opinion but I'm biased as I have the octagon 20 advance. I know they are more expensive but they are so much worth it. Tried and trusted also good at holding temp and humidity no matter what the room conditions are. Quick at getting temp and humidity back up after opening it. Even though the fan is at the top you still get good viewing of what is going on in there. The dividers hold the eggs well and in a good upright position. The only thing I can't really comment on is water channels as I have the pump with evaporation pads so I don't use the channels so I'm. Not actually sure what they are like to use. Other than that I have not got a bad word to say about the Brinsea range of incubators. Love it.
I would go with Brinsea that's my own personal opinion but I'm biased as I have the octagon 20 advance. I know they are more expensive but they are so much worth it. Tried and trusted also good at holding temp and humidity no matter what the room conditions are. Quick at getting temp and humidity back up after opening it. Even though the fan is at the top you still get good viewing of what is going on in there. The dividers hold the eggs well and in a good upright position. The only thing I can't really comment on is water channels as I have the pump with evaporation pads so I don't use the channels so I'm. Not actually sure what they are like to use. Other than that I have not got a bad word to say about the Brinsea range of incubators. Love it.

Thank you for your reply, that does help to hear it can hold temp no matter the room temp.

A day later and only one vote, I guess I asked this question too soon, haha. I'll have to do some more pondering on my own.
For anyone reading: after three days of contemplation, I've decided to be one of the first few penguins off the iceberg and I placed an order for the IncuView. The giant viewing window won me over in the end. I'll post my results to the IncuView thread when I get ready for my first hatch.
Good choice. I have two of the Brinsea 20 Ecos and HATE THEM. They are not the same product as the Advaced versions. The thermostats are horrible and tend to fluctuate a lot. I ended up gutting one and wiring in a new digital thermostat.

No more cooked eggs for me.
Good choice. I have two of the Brinsea 20 Ecos and HATE THEM. They are not the same product as the Advaced versions. The thermostats are horrible and tend to fluctuate a lot. I ended up gutting one and wiring in a new digital thermostat.

No more cooked eggs for me.

Yeah I really wanted digital controls but the Advance is just way too expensive for me.
Yeah I really wanted digital controls but the Advance is just way too expensive for me.
I would actually like to see how the Incuview compares to my Rcom 20 Pros. They give me near 100% hatches with absolutely nothing to do on my part. Put in eggs and water and out pop chicks. They are the rice cookers of incubators.
I would actually like to see how the Incuview compares to my Rcom 20 Pros. They give me near 100% hatches with absolutely nothing to do on my part. Put in eggs and water and out pop chicks. They are the rice cookers of incubators.

I am lusting for an RCom for Christmas! What model do you have may I ask. I thought I had read somewhere that they are noisy. I all ready have had the hairy eyeball from DH about the fan on the Brinsea mini advance, which I swear I can't even notice. What can you tell me about that? I truly want one!


ps... I noticed you posted on another thread I was looking at. Did you ever end up investing in some Altsteirer chickens, as I have been eyeing them too! Love the look of them, and their history. I would hope their egg production is a better than good. though.

I am lusting for an RCom for Christmas! What model do you have may I ask. I thought I had read somewhere that they are noisy. I all ready have had the hairy eyeball from DH about the fan on the Brinsea mini advance, which I swear I can't even notice. What can you tell me about that? I truly want one!


ps... I noticed you posted on another thread I was looking at. Did you ever end up investing in some Altsteirer chickens, as I have been eyeing them too! Love the look of them, and their history. I would hope their egg production is a better than good. though.

I have the Rcom 20 Pro model. It's the fully automatic model that you basically just add eggs and water and then it has this chicken program. In fact, R-Com stands for chicken computer in Korean. I really like that incubator. However, for the same retail price, you can get one of the Dicky's cabinet incubators. My sister uses one and they are highly recommended.

I did buy more Alsteirers but three shipments of them died in transit. So I have just the one. But I do have Sulmtalers, which are based upon Alsteriers, and quite a few other breeds (15 to be exact) including some exotic ones like Svart Hona, Ayam Cemani, and Marsh Daisy.

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