Broken Beaks


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2017
Hello everyone!
We are newbies to raising chicks and are looking for some advice. We have 4, 3 week old layers, that have all broken their top beaks. We keep our girls in a 2.5 foot by 2.5 foot wooden brooder box with a plexiglass window in the front. A few days ago they started pecking the box. We believe that the pecking of the wooden brooder has caused the breakage of their beaks but are unsure as to why they, all of a sudden, started pecking it. We have a regulated red heat bulb that clicks on and off every few minutes now that we have decreased the temperature-could this be the problem?
The breakage is minor, and all of our girls are still able to eat and drink-we just worry that the we are doing something wrong!
Any advice would be very welcome! Thanks
I don't have any advice for you, but I shared this issue just a couple days ago. I'm house sitting for my parents, and am taking care of their 8 chicks (also laying hens) I noticed that around the 2 week mark, one of the chicks lost the tip of her upper mandable. No bleeding or anything. All the other chicks seemed to have either a white or red spot at the tip of their beaks and slowly those spots were evolving and getting bigger.

Now, at this point, 6 out of 8 chicks have lost the tips of their beaks. I've checked the coop, and there is nothing they can get their beaks caught in. They will also peck around a lot, especially on the coop floor, but I wouldn't think that would cause breakage.

I was thinking there may be a vitamin deficency, or a genetic defect. My parents have raised chicks with this setup before and have never had any issues. The chicks are still happy and growing, and they can eat and drink just fine. I find it very ironic that we are both having such similar issues!

It was suggested that I try to supplement with Nutri-poultry drench. I've yet to be able to find it in Canada though. It may help if you can post photos of your setup and your chicks beaks. Perhaps someone more experienced can pinpoint what your chicks may be getting their beaks caught in. I hope you can find a solution!!!
Thank-you for the reply Robyn!
All of our chicks came to us with either white or red spots at the tip of their beaks, being new to this we didn't think anything of it. I guess that may point to a genetic issue (weak beaks?).
We are feeding them the chick stater that was recommended by the seller, I'm guessing that they would not be suffering from a vitamin deficiency. That being said, I will try to find the Nutri-poultry drench that you mentioned (I am also in Canada so that may not be possible!).
I have checked the brooder and there is nothing that they could get their beaks caught in.
Good luck to you!
I'm feeding my chicks starter as well, but I was wondering if perhaps the breeding stock had a vitamin deficiency, which would then make for weak offspring. My Dad called the feedstore where he purchased the chicks, and they said they've never heard of this happening though. It's a mystery.

I did find the Nutri-poultry Dench on, but is was $70 for 5oz...there isn't very many places locally to buy chicken supplies. I'm going to have to do more searching online. Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck! I hope we can figure this out, it sounds like we have the exact same issue! The breakages even happened at around the same point in time!

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