
Apr 19, 2015
So, today one of our ducks broke her legs. She's a pekin about 9-10 weeks old. I will post a picture, but you can easily see exactly where the break is. How do we reset it and splint it?

Sorry about your Pekin! My Runner broke his leg when he was 2 weeks old, but since he was still so young, he healed very quickly on his own without intervention. Pekins are very heavy, and their legs already look like they will buckle under the weight! I think you should go see a vet, to see how to help the duckling. I didn't know where to go, so I called the breeder, and they recommended a vet. It was actually a bird and exotic animal vet, and he was very knowledgeable. It only ended up costing us around $30, but I don't know how much more it would have been if we would have had to have it splinted. One thing to consider - I have a Runner and a Pekin, they are both12 weeks old. My Runner weighs 4 lbs, and my Pekin weighs 12. They carry around a lot more weight, so I am afraid the breaks effect the different breeds differently. Good luck, I know how heart breaking it can be!

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