Broken Egg - Not sure how far along!

Unfortunately the hen was not interested in the broken egg chick. She fairly quickly noticed it was a stranger and was pecking at the little guy/gal. I had to remove all three chicks that I tried to introduce as I thought it would be best to raise them together under the heat lamp vs. just the lone chick on their own. The other two were dark colored (black) and the majority of the other chicks were black so maybe they blended in better. This chick was more chipmunk looking and although 2 of the 6 chicks already with the hen were also this coloration.. it was a slightly lighter shade and I guess too noticeably different. OR she noticed it maybe was not as strong as the other chicks and picked up on that?

Either way... I have the three in the basement with the heat lamp and they are doing good so far. I have been taking them out on the lawn for a little while each day also for enrichment ;) My daughter loves this activity the most!

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