Broken hearted tonight we lost our one duck

Just wanted to update everyone
The vet called this morning to give me the autopsy report
My little girl ate a penny and this caused heavy metal / zinc poisoning. I myself have not had pennies for 10 years but ducks like to dig in the ground. Unfortunately We had no way of knowing it was there and no way of preventing it
Although I’m happy it’s not a disease that could have passed onto my other ducks I’m still devastated that she somehow found a penny and ate it.
I am so sorry losing a animal is hard I bet her flock misses her remember shes running free and has all the duck friends she needs I am so sorry losing a duck is like losing a best friend lots of people do not understand that loosing a duck is worse than loosing a dog when we lost my daughters faverite duck it was more sad than loosing her cat nemo I love ducks and its always sad to loose a best friend
Thank you
Yes it is very hard
My friends didn’t understand why I was so sad
Well ducks are great creaters and they are pets just like dogs I love having ducks they will always come for food and like to be picked what breeds of ducks do you own? They are great animals to have for eggs pets and backyard animals I am sorry that you lost your duck how is the rest of your flock doing?
Well ducks are great creaters and they are pets just like dogs I love having ducks they will always come for food and like to be picked what breeds of ducks do you own? They are great animals to have for eggs pets and backyard animals I am sorry that you lost your duck how is the rest of your flock doing?
I have a female Pekin and a drake khaki Campbell.
In the spring I will be adding a female blue Swedish to my flock as well as 1-2 more females from my two ducks
My girl gives an egg everyday she is a great layer. Before we lost her sister they were both giving an egg. The odd time we were getting 3 eggs so one of them was dropping 2

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