Broken pelvis? in 8 week old pullet


12 Years
Aug 30, 2007
I know this sounds funny, but it's not if you're the pullet in question
I think she got run over by my flock of ducks. Her legs are splayed, and she can move her feet so that they stick out either side of her head. She lays flat on her chest. She eats and drinks very well, but cannot stand or control her movement as her legs go every which way. Is there any way I can bandage/strap her to help this heal? Any other ideas of what might be wrong?
The only common disease I can think of with paralysis of the legs is Mericks.

But, if you move her around and such, do her legs bend right? Or is something out of place? Could it be brain damage or a spinal injury? I would think if it was the last two, that she'd lose her appetite some or act in pain a bit via being listless and such. You can try putting her in a sling.
She can move her legs, but can't seem to actually control them. Other than that she is quite alert, and eats as soon as I move her in front of the food (a few times each day). She also drinks plenty when I hold her by the waterer or put her in front of it. She almost flips over when she tries to move because her legs will stick out so far. She has control of her head, and can move her toes. She does tremble a little when I pick her up, and closes her eyes, I think from pain.
She's a Buff Orpington. She was fine one day, and I found her like it the next. There are no visible marks on her, legs look like normal just move around at very strange angles and she cannot keep them under her.
I don't think so, unless it's specific to her. I have around 20 others from the same hatch that seem to be fine. She's having vitamins & electrolytes in her water, but is the same as she was yesterday. She is pooping well if that is significant!
sometimes their bodies don't always absorb ones they need like they should that's why i asked. it may be in the feed but don't mean they r proccessing it properly themselves individually. basically they have failure to absorb and utilise the vitamin. i hope that made sence. some leg problems can be from lack of certain vitamins.

Good news, she is looking better today! She can't walk properly, but her legs are under her and she can stand up a little and creep to her food and water. She seems to have a lot more control over them. She is still eating and drinking very well. I think it must have been a deficiency because she's improved well since getting the vitamins and electrolytes.

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