Broken tail feather


10 Years
May 16, 2009
Does anyone know what to do when a chick breaks a tail feather. It appears that the chick broke it's feather and the others picked at it. The feather is bleeding and they seem to pick at him more. I separated the chick from the others. How do I keep him from making it bleed again and keep the others from messing with it?
How old is this chick? If very young like 1 week or less, use that zinc oxide ointment (Desitin) or generic, on it to seal it and "hide" it. Chicks naturally pick at the color "red"

Bluekote is another spray on liquid that coats the injury and disguises the red. Just don't do what I did and hold the chick in one hand and spray with the other. I had to go to church with a purple stained hand. It doesn't come off that easy!
There is a product called Blu Kote that people use to help prevent picking. Perhaps blue food coloring would hide the red just as well and keep the others from pecking.

I don't know how you would keep him from picking at it himself.

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