Bronze White Eyed- potential offspring question


In the Brooder
May 17, 2022
southeast MN
Could use some help from someone who knows more about these colors than I do. I have a pair of Bronze White Eyeds. Pretty much under the impression that I would only get Bronze White Eyed peachicks, although it seems someone mentioned to me, or I read somewhere that there was a small possibility of Bronze Silver Pied chicks. I hatched out the first 2 chicks yesterday and the first one must be a Bronze Silver Pied(yellow chick with a couple small brown spots on back of neck and back). The other chick is dark, so I'm sure Bronze White Eyed. Do my Bronze White Eyeds also have to be carrying something else, or is it possible to get the Bronze Silver Pied from them? Any knowledge on this is appreciated.
I didn't think they are pied at all. Just Bronze White Eyed, unless there is something about that I'm not understanding?
This gets pretty deep and I have very little time right now but I can share a little. If you got an SP chick out of BzWE, then the parents are out of Silver Pied and your birds are split SP, that is why you have an SP chick. Silver Pieds carry one White Gene and one SP gene and two WE genes. Depending on the hen used all chicks will carry at least one WE gene (split WE) or could be full WE. It is not possible that we can ferret out all the possibilities with the limited knowledge of what the parent are without knowing the genetics of the grandparents. Even then things will pop up generations down the line. Here is a Peach SP chick with the tell tale markings on the back of the head.
Thank you for that. Sounds like I should get ahold of the guy I got them from and find out what the grandparents are. I'm a pheasant guy and only have this one pair of peafowl. Wanted something other than the normal stuff, but also wanted something that I am sure of what I am producing. Looked at too many young peafowl where the person says "well, they are probably this, but could be that, and may carry this, etc...." LOL
Thank you for that. Sounds like I should get ahold of the guy I got them from and find out what the grandparents are. I'm a pheasant guy and only have this one pair of peafowl. Wanted something other than the normal stuff, but also wanted something that I am sure of what I am producing. Looked at too many young peafowl where the person says "well, they are probably this, but could be that, and may carry this, etc...." LOL
No one can be sure of what they are going to produce, IB's have been hybridized with Greens to the point we are not sure there are any 'pure' IB left. We are to the point that almost every IB should be considered Spalding (hybrid). None of my IB's are going to be pure, every one of them will carry something, either split to another color or pattern. But I don't produce IB on purpose, they are a by-product of mutations or patterns and that is how it is with most breeders. If you were to buy an IB chick package from one of the hatcheries (who resell from a big breeder) and they happen to survive, and you raise them in a large flight and they breed together, only God will know what will pop up.
The thing with peas too is as stated above many birds are split to multiple colors or patterns. Part of this is because people don't keep records or even care what birds are produced as long as they are making money. I've spent the last decade breeding blackshoulder out of my india blue birds because i am trying to create the wild type birds again.

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