Brooder chicks to Hen House?


10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
I have 4 week old chicks in a brooder in the house. How old should they be, before I take them out to the hen house outside. They Buff Orpingtons and Easter eggers.
I just put mine out at 4 wks, but the weather is really warm and I have a heat lamp for them at night. They were have a blast today and i just put them all to bed in the coop.
Night time temp is around 45 degrees, What if I had a heat lamp on them in the coop? They have pretty good feathering. Right now I have them in the brooder w/ 75 watt light bulb.
Mine have been in the back half of a 4x8 coop with the silkies using the front door half since day one. They have a heat lamp, but they only sit under it at night. Usually during the day they're outside in the area of the run that I fenced off especially for them. They are three weeks old now, wild, and loving life.
They grow so fast, they need more room, So its out to the coop they go! before they start pecking each other!

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