Ok, I am to the point that I need to put the ole light in the brooder. The opinions vary wildly about which light to use. I live close to Houston and we are going to order our day olds today. Their availability is 10-29-2008 from Ideal. Do I need a heat lamp? If so, what wattage?, Does the color matter, is there a preference among the chicken pros?
One more thing, what are you guys putting on the brooder floors?
We are getting
5 black sex links
5 brown sex links
5 gold sex links
5 red sex links
Do any of yall have these "sex link" birds and what is yall opinions?
I wanted different leghorns but the website says that their availability is 2009
Thank Yall for the advice givin so far and Thanks in advance for the further advice.
One more thing, what are you guys putting on the brooder floors?
We are getting
5 black sex links
5 brown sex links
5 gold sex links
5 red sex links
Do any of yall have these "sex link" birds and what is yall opinions?
I wanted different leghorns but the website says that their availability is 2009
Thank Yall for the advice givin so far and Thanks in advance for the further advice.