Brooder supplies

heat lamps are expensive to run. i just put a 100 watt bulb low down under a metal shade in a good size box covered w towels bottom and top in cool garage. its plenty warm.
Welp time to add that onto the shopping cart again. Question: if I get a brooder plate and one day my power gets cut. In the like 5 seconds it takes for our generator to turn on... will the brooder plate turn back on too? Or would I have to turn it on again?

It will turn back on when power returns
Just noticed you are in Kirkland, WA. The Grange in Issaquah sells chicks at the end of March and they have most of the supplies that you will need. They are also extremely friendly and knowledgeable about all things chicken. I suggest you might want to look them up online or stop in.

In the process of building my coop and run and getting my first chicks this spring also!
Once they get older (4-8 weeks) can their head still fit in the feeder?
when making a Brooder, heat is prime. But I need some links to heat lamps, eco brooders, etc. (Nothing too big I'm starting with a small flock)

Actually scratch that.

Can I have a full list of supplies (and links) I'm pretty lost on where to find what. Also, do you guys know where to find large boxes?
My husband made a large plywood box. We got the idea from a YouTube video. Here is the link and also a link to my own Baby Chicks video! We used both a heat lamp and a Brinsea plate (bought on Amazon).

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