BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I found this thread just in time!

A few days ago my daughter and I decided we just had to have some fall chicks. We've had our current 6 hens for just over a year now. So we checked out several hatcheries and most didn't have any of the breeds we wanted available. We're building a flock for the looks of the hens and for a mixture of egg colors. So, we found Welp, which apparently hatches year round and had everything I wanted except BLRW.

Anyway, we got totally carried away and ordered 33 chicks. <snicker> I'm guessing this is the chicken math I've read about. I was just saying today, what are we going to do for a brooder?, as the chicks should arrive next Friday, the 15th. Last time I used a big ice chest on wheels, but 6 chicks is a long way from 33 chicks. I saw a couple posts on here of those who used a childs swimming pool. What a great idea and we happen to have one that needs to be put up soon for the winter anyway. I imagine my Grandson won't be amused at first when I take his pool, but I'm sure he'll get over it when he sees chickies.

This will give us time to build a much larger brooder for them inside the coop for when they're bigger. The pool should work for a while though. Thanks for all the great suggestions.
I run into this problem every time I get new chicks. We were using clear storage boxes. When I had alot of chicks I had to seperate them in 2 boxes just to have enough room. I decided that it was time I did something to solve this problem. So, I built (all by myself!) a new brooder for my chicks!!! I wanted it to look nice since it's going to be inside.


Yeah - I went out and looked at it. Floor space is good for a while as it's 4 1/2 feet in diameter. However, it's only 10" tall, so it won't work for long. But at least it's somewhere to put the little fluffs when they first arrive.
Yeah - I went out and looked at it. Floor space is good for a while as it's 4 1/2 feet in diameter. However, it's only 10" tall, so it won't work for long. But at least it's somewhere to put the little fluffs when they first arrive.

Not sure if you saw my pics in the middle of page 130, but I used my sons pool as my brooder. With 12 chicks, it only lasted 2 weeks! After 1 week they were jumping out and after 2 weeks, it just wasn't enough space. They are now in the coop with their heat lamp (they are 3 wks). Last night dropped to 27 degrees and they were fine.
Wow, seeing all these awesome brooders, I need a new
They were going to have the bathroom all to themselves, but they got lost and cold, heh.
Found this small bin around.

Moved the chicks out of the bathroom and the small bin into the main room and into a larger box. It's about 3ft sq. Much easier for me to get to them and they will have room to grow for several weeks now.
Pics later in the day.
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Great thread! Just got my babies yesterday. Here's a pic of the ubiquitous dog crate brooder.

And here's a pic of the thermostat controller - it's from the reptile section of petco. I have the same kind of thing for Monty the Python. They work much better than having to move the heatlamp around... just turns it off and on to control the temp.

The cage is surrounded by cardboard to keep the softwood shavings in. I set it up on a sidetable to make it easier to watch the babies.
I made this one last week out of a junky looking mess bought at the thrift shop: (Think spider-man fabric stapled to the outside, uncovered foam for a seat cushion, and streaky paint in two colors...)

It is in the basement now, with shelf liner & a light. I just need to sanitize a waterer and get some feed ready for this week's hatch!


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