BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Here is a picture of my brooders

Large dog kennel with plastic wrapped around to prevent drafts and keeps pine shavings inside. I also put 1/2" chicken wire around to keep cat paws out.

This is where I keep the larger chicks in the basement until it warms up.This brooder is 5'x3' I took the tarp off the top and wrapped plastic 1/2 way up to prevent drafts and keep the pine shavings in. I put paneling on one end that can be easily removed so when I want to put all the chicks together I can attach it to my other brooder. This way I don't need a third larger brooder.
Updated: Okay chicken math got the best of me again. I figured out I have 13 roosters out of 30 so I need more hens. I made another brooder just like the bottom one,with a removable end so I can attach them with zip ties and moved the other chicks into the basement. I have 9 more chicks coming Friday.
Our two week chicks seem to like their brooder box. Its built of plywood with 2x2 framing and can also serve as a outdoor coop for introducing new chickens to the flock or for isolating chicks later.

I used a conventional chick waterer at first but the 3 day old chicks quickly took to, and seemed to prefer the watering nipples providing a more continuous supply of clean water.
At two weeks they use all of the roost space and appear to prefer the 1x2 but seem happy on the 1/2 dowels as well.

Our cat loves to sit on the top and often sleeps on it lulled, as we are, by the sweet chirping sounds.

We're first timers and are having a ball watching the incredible growth and antics of these little, I hope, girls.

I bought a timber shipping crate for $20 and my husband helped me put some hinges on the side and roof to make two doors. We also cut out some sections to make a viewing window at the front and a mesh insert at the top to let in fresh air and to hang the light from. I am so pleased with how it turned out and can't wait for my GLW babies to hatch out and use it!

Our two week chicks seem to like their brooder box. Its built of plywood with 2x2 framing and can also serve as a outdoor coop for introducing new chickens to the flock or for isolating chicks later. I used a conventional chick waterer at first but the 3 day old chicks quickly took to, and seemed to prefer the watering nipples providing a more continuous supply of clean water. At two weeks they use all of the roost space and appear to prefer the 1x2 but seem happy on the 1/2 dowels as well. Our cat loves to sit on the top and often sleeps on it lulled, as we are, by the sweet chirping sounds. We're first timers and are having a ball watching the incredible growth and antics of these little, I hope, girls. Robert
I like the drinking idea - seems much easier and cleaner for the chicks!
moved my guys into a bigger brooder...made from a graco pack and play! lol Here are some pics, they are so much happier, flying all over but still works great for the ones who are a week younger.

Thank you. The pic of the three on the board? That is an old english bantam. Just feel in love with her the second I saw her! (I got her and a blue cochin bantam).
Here's my brooder! Not as pretty as a lot that have been posted here but I think it'll serve it's purpose! I made it by splitting a big plastic dog crate in half (the top and bottom were just screwed together) then connected them in the middle with some trusty duct tape. I also put duct tape over the first set of ventilation holes to keep some of the litter in. The top is just some leftover chicken wire nailed around a board with a hook to hold it closed and secured to the other side like a hinge. I put a shoebox at the one side to hold some wood ashes for them to roll round in and some short pieces of stove wood for perches. My new babies will be here tomorrow and I just can't wait!! I just hope it's going to be big enough for everyone! There's supposed to be 26 of them (Salmon Favs, Mottled Houdans, Speckled Sussex, Light Brahmas, Anconas, and Rhode Island Reds)


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