BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I have a very unique brooder...I hope the pic helps. All the equipment is the same except for one detail.

Can you tell what it is?


That's my roo, Fluffy. From his left side.


Thats from his right side. He is a bantam black cochin.


What you don't know is he is currently brooding 37 standard-sized chicks and 6 ducklings. And they are all in the picture.


This will only work for 2 weeks. Then I will have to split up the ducklings from the chicks, and the chicks into 2 of these setups...and actually use a real brooder lamp for a change.

but I still like this
I can see that the time is coming when "me chooks" will need more room.

Since it will be too cool to put them out, we are planning to move our chicken ark, which will be their Summer home, into our "junk room", put a peice of board or flooring under it, and move'em in!

They have had three brief forays out already, since the weather has been so swell, and they love scratching and pecking and flying about. So far, no one has managed to get all the way up the ramp (they fly up -- no one has tried walking), so I suppose they will need help for a bit. I plan to move the warmers I use under the plastic brooder on the floor of the coop, right under their roosts, to keep them cosy.


That's my six-foot stepson Sam, stretched out doing some chick-watching.
Thanks. I cannot take credit. He couldn't be any more roo...but he is the BEST brooder I have! Maybe he will pass this on to his babies?

Maybe a new super-broody, calm, breed?

Yay for cochins!!!
A broody roo, how cool is that!
What a good guy for helping out. Makes me glad I have a couple cochins coming. I guess I'll have to get a roo cochin!
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Hello Everyone I have been admiring this site and all the information since January. We are getting our chicks tomorrow!!! So far this is our brooder:

We are using a donated playpin with pine shavings and papertowels for the first few days to make sure they eat.... do i have this right so far??!!?!


From the top:


When I first got the play pin

Looks good- someone else on here uses a playpen I think. You can keep them in a Rubbermaid tote for 2 wks before they try to escape so you could probably use that longer if you keep it clean.
From another newbie to this site and also from WA - WELCOME!!!

I think your brooder looks great. I would recommend another heat lamp in case one goes out though. That's something I was worried about when I had my ten in the bunny cage for the first few days.

In my stock tank I moved them to, I have the lamps at differing heights so the chicks can deside what is comfy for them as they grow at different rates. Of my 10 chicks 1 of the RIR's and 1 of the buff orpingtons are on the small side with less feather developement than the rest and still prefer to be right under the lamp where the others spread out.

Best of luck with your new chicks. Be sure to post pics.
I used a playpen for my last set of chicks and it worked well, until they started perching on the rails and getting out! One word of caution though, a lot of dust gets out! Try putting up some type of edging along the bottom, such as cut cardboard a few inches up each side from the bottoms. This should help keep in more dust.

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