BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I'm new to this site; found it by accident. I had no idea there were so many folks as crazy for chickens as I am!

Due to an incredible demand for blue/green Ameraucana eggs, I am increasing the size of the flock this year, and have brought back the dog crate for a return engagement. I set it on a plastic painter's drop sheet from the dollar store, then fold up the sides and clip with clothes pins to control both the heat and mess. For bedding, I use paper from the shredder. Who doesn't have a paper shredder these days? When the babies are fledged, I just take the whole crate, minus the slide-in metel bottom, out to the coop for a week. Once everyone is aquainted, I prop the kennel door open wide enough for easy access for the little ones, but not wide enough for the bigger, meaner flock members.
When they stop going inside, I know it's time to remove it.

With the economy the way it is, my darling husband decided we should raise turkeys again, too. I don't do the butchering, so fine with me. Since chickens and turkeys don't eat the same food (and turkey poults will peck chicks to death if they can't get away), I stole the duck's water trough to brood turkeys (here in Colorado, water is still turning to ice anyway). I couldn't find the chicken-wire top I made for it when we used it this way before, but I did find some wire freezer shelves. I wired them together with paper clips (they where all I could find), and viola, we have separate bedrooms for the kids!

I've tried putting in perches in the past, but they weren't successful. After reading the posts, I'll have to try it again.
I would have loved to post pics too, but the camera is with my husband at work. I sure have enjoyed finding this site. I suspect I'll be a regular!
Hello Biddy,
, you have found a gold mine, if I might add! There are so many people on the BYC that love
to help and talk chickens!

Thanks for sharing your idea for a brooder.
The only thing getting me by has been the hot chick cam from seattlicious on page #68. I can't wait for mine and this one has been fun and educational to watch! helps me know what to expect!
my brooder and it's new tennants.
they sure were hungry and took no time to find the water.
six black sex links. three comets and three RI reds.


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