BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Finished the brooder!
We made several modifications as described here: Brooder

and the final result is (assuming one finishes a concept. I expect us to revisit it as we experience the chicks developing). Hubby and I certainly appreciate any suggestions.

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Heres our brooder. Looks amazingly similar to others on the site..LOLOL

It is a packing crate that we used for a dog house for years, then cleaned it up and turned it into a chicken house!

We're all ready! Just waiting for our little ones!




Hey petlove, is that a paddling pool? We're using a paddling pool too, but yours is slightly cooler than ours!! Although you gotta admit, the peepers do look cute in a bright pink pool


Only problem is the sides are so low, so we had to build a wall around it to stop any adventurous chicks!!
Red, love the toys. I have domestic birds which I also have lots of bird toys. Alot of the toys I have not used. They should be good for the peeps. Love your brooder.
Thanks petlove! The chicks favourite toy appears to be the mirror, one chick is so vain

Good luck with your peeps when you get 'em
I'm at it again...19 new chicks bought at local feed store.
11 eggs in the incubator.
Going to WalMart today to buy a bigger brooder !!!
It's all coming back to me now !!!
Shavings in the water !!! Water in the shavings !!
The little faces all looking up at "momma" as I change the bedding, food and water.
AH SPRING !!!!!!!
A bit off topic, but since this thread is photo intensive...

How come it seems like the right side of all your photos is whacked off? Did you submit pictures that are too big or do I need to do something to a setting on my computer? I'm only seeing the very left of most photos (or so it seems).
Sometimes if you reload the page the pics will come in correctly, not sure why it seems like the right side of photos are being whacked off?? Hopefully someone can answer this question for you

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