BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

For only 3 chicks:
Due to space constraints this is about the biggest space available and I have no intent to keep the brooder after they move out.

That's a 25W (NOT 250W) red bulb I bought at the hardware store, not specifically a heat lamp. The bulb is ~3 inches above the floor. The floor temp right under the bulb was 100~110F. The original box is 12x18.


At 4 weeks I stretched the box out to 18x18


Now that the weather is nicer they will be ready for the coop as soon as the coop is ready for them,
Oh, I love the toys!!
Sorry to be a bit ofc, but I'm new here and to chicks (got our first 3 (RIRs) yesterday!
) but is there a place where you guys talk about toys you put in with the chicks? And what should I put in other than the regular starter feed? Thanks so much.
I did have them in a big Rubbermaid container, but yesterday at TSC they had a rabbit kit on clearance so I grabbed it. I wrapped some fabric around the outside of it to allow it to breath without being drafty and to keep the bedding INSIDE the cage. You could see a difference immediately... they LOVE it! It allowed me to add a few more things to keep them busy. They also got some grit and some alfalfa to peck at. They LOVE the grit and they play tag with little pieces of the alfalfa.. too cute



I added a "Peep Sweep" to the brooder. It allows easy cleaning of 1/2 of the brooder at a time.
I also added a chain-latch to hold the lid open. I only had to get hit in the head twice before that.


I am new here and am so excited about joining your ranks. I am expecting my chickies tomorrow, so I have been poring over all the brooder info and ideas.

Thanks for all the great ideas and info!
I wanted to thank you all - I have been lurking for a bit and you gave me all the courage to get my chickies. Six - now 2 1/2 weeks"ish". Had a small Rubbermaid for brooder 1, moved to a larger pen today. Used an old dog/puppy pen with added chicken wire doubled over. Lid is chicken wire with some wood scraps put on for weight/handles. Bottom is scrap plywood & shelves to make a box for "deep litter" brooding. Frame can be lifted off of bottom if I want them to "free range" brood
They are flapping and stretching and scratching like crazy now. Will miss them when they have to be moved outdoors!!! Anyway - thanks again for all the info!!

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